We're sorry, the universe is currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please (?force) accept this beautiful body (?meat-cage). Enlightenment is loading...
The statement "the pen is mightier than a sword." Also applies when talking about penises. No, I'm not bitter.
If you believe that, I wonder what you'll believe when your eventually convinced its a lie.
We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.
-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Wroth like a zealot, believing in nothing and suspecting all. Annhilative, to the point of hyperbole.
Passionate as napalm, yet contained and masterful like unto calligraphic strokes.
Left or Right is the same: they want to dominate ideology and they turn psychotic once power is attained. the only solution is to know thyself.
fundamentalist Christians, fundamentalist atheists, and fundamentalist materialists!! 3 f's!!!
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