Semi Official Memebomb Archive

fuck bitches, get money.
#5146 -295 = 2747 - 3042 - +
Quick, while no one is looking!
#2361 -265 = 2653 - 2918 - +
If its to be, its up to me
#4559 -283 = 2625 - 2908 - +
Think of hummingbirds as the flying penises of flowers
#2893 -312 = 2226 - 2538 - +
Bad things come to those who wait too.
#792 -269 = 3539 - 3808 - +
#6251 -285 = 3211 - 3496 - +
I refuse to acknowledge the existence of cognitive dissonance
#5904 -278 = 3099 - 3377 - +
alienation produces eccentrics or revolutionaries
#670 -278 = 2800 - 3078 - +
Swim Upstream to Reverse Current Thinking
#2589 -273 = 3037 - 3310 - +
I determined that when I grew up I was going to be a crackpot. (Kerry thornley)
#5675 -322 = 2740 - 3062 - +
We're sorry, the universe is currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please (?force) accept this beautiful body (?meat-cage). Enlightenment is loading...
#4178 -295 = 2494 - 2789 - +
if the kingdom of heaven is within you, then the kingdom of hell is without you.
#6159 -234 = 3645 - 3879 - +
myth can make reality more intelligible
#2101 -256 = 2987 - 3243 - +
History is a religion
#1427 -259 = 2870 - 3129 - +
Please go back 3 squares
#3583 -297 = 2196 - 2493 - +
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
#928 -343 = 2321 - 2664 - +
A lack of leadership is no substitute for inaction.
#600 -363 = 2801 - 3164 - +
Try enjoying yourself. Everyone else has.
#3007 -262 = 2794 - 3056 - +
SHHHHHH. listen.
#2472 -282 = 2034 - 2316 - +
hey sheeple! whos your shepard!
#1415 -266 = 2353 - 2619 - +
Culture is the inversion of life.
#966 -270 = 2531 - 2801 - +
The hidden factor may be you.
#4150 -249 = 3071 - 3320 - +
The concept is simply staggering. Pointless, but staggering.
#2649 -271 = 2603 - 2874 - +
toilet paper is racist, until you use it, then, it becomes culturally enriched!
#6335 -506 = 3515 - 4021 - +
I would have you know, that I am much bigger in real life.
#5117 -288 = 2844 - 3132 - +
Nothing quite like the feel of something new...
#2178 -294 = 2805 - 3099 - +
Pretend to be real.
#3863 -313 = 2281 - 2594 - +
The statement "the pen is mightier than a sword." Also applies when talking about penises. No, I'm not bitter.
#5255 -282 = 2426 - 2708 - +
Disregard this line of text and everything after/before; I think it's nonsense
#4104 -274 = 2541 - 2815 - +
If a tree falls in the forest, and no-one is around to hear it... is God omnipresent?
#1632 -304 = 2479 - 2783 - +
people are boring unless they are extremists
#2273 -289 = 2286 - 2575 - +
lux levit fiat.
solar reich.
hell yeah mofo.
#5529 -279 = 2233 - 2512 - +
Do you feel that on the back of your neck?
#5637 -310 = 2000 - 2310 - +
hum4n5 4r3 w4lk1ng s0ul c4g35 =]
#5800 -267 = 2323 - 2590 - +
occasionally principles are more valuable than people
#2190 -300 = 2023 - 2323 - +
the secret of the universe is just that
the secret of the universe
#4893 -263 = 2389 - 2652 - +
god created masturbation.
satan created porno.
#4163 -342 = 2394 - 2736 - +
Of course it belongs to me, I'm a communist.
#2194 -297 = 2657 - 2954 - +
This is an advertisement
#6452 -439 = 2297 - 2736 - +
A king's castle is his home.
#599 -285 = 2873 - 3158 - +
Talk to the next person that reads this
#2603 -339 = 2870 - 3209 - +
You will find the correct answer in the murkiest mists of confusion.
#4109 -231 = 3353 - 3584 - +
i Always feel the urge neeD to run after pipe-dreams
#5557 -282 = 2571 - 2853 - +
The free market never cured malaria.
#4867 -238 = 2640 - 2878 - +
#6140 -413 = 2498 - 2911 - +
In the not too distant future, next Sunday A.D....
#1770 -316 = 2353 - 2669 - +
Are you dreaming? (yes, get naked and try flying)
#5922 -278 = 2525 - 2803 - +
I love my tribe.
#3978 -279 = 2585 - 2864 - +
If you believe that, I wonder what you'll believe when your eventually convinced its a lie.
#4452 -382 = 1845 - 2227 - +
They promised me fiery doom, but all i ever got was this lukewarm failure
#5239 -329 = 2343 - 2672 - +
Laughter is the most effective form of terrorism.
#4048 -320 = 2167 - 2487 - +
Think outside the book.
#2894 -326 = 3012 - 3338 - +
Disregard any further announcements.
disregard any further announcements.
#4693 -288 = 1932 - 2220 - +
you are stupid and evil and do not know that you are stupid and evil
#3273 -294 = 2449 - 2743 - +
Accepting repression? Then accept depression.
#653 -267 = 2989 - 3256 - +
#4012 -317 = 2282 - 2599 - +
You're not really drunk if you can lie on the floor without hanging on.
#3383 -290 = 2312 - 2602 - +
The meiudm is not the mgsaese.
#4278 -2247 = 5244 - 7491 - +
Only bad music has any meaning
#5849 -244 = 2910 - 3154 - +
Wait you're worried about your Boss seeing your e-mails?
#3045 -286 = 2201 - 2487 - +
Support free enterprise: shoplift.
#2579 -238 = 2508 - 2746 - +
We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.
-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
#3083 -286 = 2828 - 3114 - +
outside a repository for art: "But . . . is it an art museum?"
#2255 -287 = 2431 - 2718 - +
hate love - love hate
#5045 -276 = 2330 - 2606 - +
Abandon all art NOW
#643 -355 = 2384 - 2739 - +
Amerika is just another Latin dictatorship
#3442 -254 = 2987 - 3241 - +
Wroth like a zealot, believing in nothing and suspecting all. Annhilative, to the point of hyperbole.
Passionate as napalm, yet contained and masterful like unto calligraphic strokes.
#3242 -281 = 2467 - 2748 - +
Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get.
#920 -371 = 2330 - 2701 - +
#6144 -436 = 2615 - 3051 - +
exceptional people deserve special concessions
#1201 -325 = 1842 - 2167 - +
Most people do not know how to behave in a massacre.
#2076 -243 = 2469 - 2712 - +
Discordianism: It stirs the coffee.
#1021 -307 = 2354 - 2661 - +
Art is whatever you can get away with
#4683 -340 = 2210 - 2550 - +
your opinions are just that. opinions. don't force them on other people.
#5496 -265 = 2494 - 2759 - +
#3414 -304 = 2448 - 2752 - +
It's the quiet ones you've got to watch. Listening to them is pointless.
#5181 -299 = 2361 - 2660 - +
Don't worry, be metal
#5148 -360 = 2308 - 2668 - +
Left or Right is the same: they want to dominate ideology and they turn psychotic once power is attained. the only solution is to know thyself.
#5964 -289 = 2483 - 2772 - +
Strike the sheep and the shepherds will scatter.
#2566 -263 = 2315 - 2578 - +
Only a true artist can fail to draw a perfect circle.
#4257 -2445 = 5913 - 8358 - +
If you're not confused, you're ignorant.
#4788 -253 = 2981 - 3234 - +
You better know
#3282 -247 = 2713 - 2960 - +
war is a purification rite
#3053 -269 = 1845 - 2114 - +
Your mind is now a car--DRIVE IT.
#3402 -434 = 2337 - 2771 - +
my head hurts worse than yours
#6376 -516 = 3177 - 3693 - +
And I thought I was original!
#714 -352 = 3736 - 4088 - +
beliefs kill the freethinking, believe me!
#4793 -266 = 2686 - 2952 - +
"No Comment" is a comment.
#5064 -304 = 2499 - 2803 - +
i am paint. watch me dry!
#4632 -295 = 2087 - 2382 - +
If you see the Buddha on the road, please call 911.
#1716 -252 = 3065 - 3317 - +
How are you reading this?
#3734 -295 = 2158 - 2453 - +
never fear goddess is here
#5791 -241 = 3016 - 3257 - +
fundamentalist Christians, fundamentalist atheists, and fundamentalist materialists!! 3 f's!!!
#6078 -323 = 2618 - 2941 - +
Whose thought are you thinking now?
#5013 -264 = 2308 - 2572 - +
Don't trip out. Trip in.
#1101 -268 = 2883 - 3151 - +
#6210 -429 = 2957 - 3386 - +
#6454 -496 = 2237 - 2733 - +
Patriotism is for foreigners
#5189 -250 = 2298 - 2548 - +
Man's character is his fate.
#2024 -257 = 2358 - 2615 - +
Seen one fnord, seen em all.
#4975 -287 = 2014 - 2301 - +

5209 Live Kwotes, 741 Deleted Kwotes

Based on the GPL Kwotes Project