If we are truly all mad here, I cannot make you mad. I can only show you my virgin of madness.
I stared into the eyes of god last night, I have lived 1000 lifetimes. Seek Knowledge, it is the only thing that can save you.
Stop running and walk,
stop walking and sit.
You will be something,
if that something is you.
I believe in karma... that means I can do bad things to you all day long and assume you deserve it.
I'm angry Orwell didn't kill the cat off for finding Napoleon's secrets, I mean, curiosity killed the cat for eris sake
I think as I will, I feel as I will, I choose as I will, I act as I will, and I experience as I will. Such is doctrine unto the divine for the sake of all individual's sovereignty in this worldly kingdom.
Truth would quickly cease to become stranger than fiction, once we got as used to it.
-Henry Louis Mencken
You will find that the State is the kind of organization which, while it does big things badly, does small things badly too.
Bacon transforms men into incredibly sensitive and generous lovers and guarantees women the longest and most intense orgasms imaginable.
As we speak, the powers that be are attempting to retrieve Unit 04, assuming it actually was pulled into a hard case, and he needs to blow the whole truth to them.
I see people dying all the time. Sometimes they laugh, sometimes their eyes roll, but i prefer when they just whimper; then i can at least eat my sandwich in peace.
The fact that someone said "no" doesn't mean I shouldn't have made the request in the first place
There is no limit to the creativity and brlliance a person can display in suggesting a solution to a problem they don't really understand
A soldier is a man who underwent dehumanization so that he may be a weapon, for a weapon that questions the implications of it's use is of no use at all.
All statements are true in some sense , false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense.
I get insulted by ads telling me I could dress better. The CIA never tells me that, and you know why? Because they can actually see me.
You used to split your time between your mother's ovaries and your father's testicles? ME TOO!
i would mention sadomasochistic bestial necrophilia, but that would be beating a dead horse...
We refuse to be highrised, diplomaed, licensed, inventoried, registered, indoctrinated, suburbanized, sermonized, beaten, telemanipulated, gassed, booked.
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