Semi Official Memebomb Archive

Masturbation is self-improvement.
#2031 -324 = 1944 - 2268 - +
f you dont believe in time then distance becomes irrelevant and teleportation becomes possible
#5659 -298 = 1941 - 2239 - +
I suspect God of being a leftist intellectual.
#1569 -261 = 2197 - 2458 - +
#3744 -260 = 2949 - 3209 - +
“A man comes from the dust and in the dust he will end”—and in the meantime it is good to drink vodka.
-Yiddish proverb
#4963 -279 = 2304 - 2583 - +
it's not good to hold too many absolutes
#1864 -300 = 2263 - 2563 - +
if voting could change the system, it would be against the law.
#4838 -308 = 2775 - 3083 - +
You can embrace the changing winds or not, but ask yourself, are those ties worth keeping?
#3283 -276 = 2399 - 2675 - +
the important thing is to cum...
#5610 -281 = 1805 - 2086 - +
Don't swim upstream, the future was right where you were.
#4030 -276 = 2200 - 2476 - +
mothers shouldn't make too many sacrifices
#2078 -264 = 2009 - 2273 - +
What just happened?
#3697 -264 = 2324 - 2588 - +
Who's life are you living?
#3208 -266 = 1957 - 2223 - +
redistributing wealth is imperative
#2394 -264 = 2550 - 2814 - +
#1112 -280 = 1984 - 2264 - +
Criminals operate in clear daylight now.
#3530 -321 = 2174 - 2495 - +
check the euclideanness of the geometry before entering the room
#4999 -280 = 2385 - 2665 - +
Beyond good and evil lies North Dakota.
#835 -349 = 1927 - 2276 - +
No weapon is a substitute for zeal.
#2158 -306 = 1788 - 2094 - +
If you'll read this, what else do you waste your time on?
#1731 -277 = 2875 - 3152 - +
go all out in romance and let the chips fall where they may
#1326 -281 = 2019 - 2300 - +
We refuse to be highrised, diplomaed, licensed, inventoried, registered, indoctrinated, suburbanized, sermonized, beaten, telemanipulated, gassed, booked.
#3103 -260 = 2167 - 2427 - +
i don't hate crime.
#6156 -338 = 2858 - 3196 - +
This is where i get off.
#5347 -261 = 2356 - 2617 - +
Go directly to jail.
#3550 -258 = 2380 - 2638 - +
you're not important. Lucky you.
#4541 -318 = 2097 - 2415 - +
Pink Floyd lied to me?
#2292 -328 = 1932 - 2260 - +
WAR: God's way of teaching Americans geography.
#3055 -320 = 1971 - 2291 - +
sometimes, i wish a star would have wished upon me, so then i would not have to wish upon one.
#4778 -246 = 2918 - 3164 - +
Choking on the sweet air of freedom.
#914 -316 = 1861 - 2177 - +
Why is a raven like a writing-desk?
#4930 -305 = 3005 - 3310 - +
Abstinence is retarded and dangerous.
#649 -332 = 2644 - 2976 - +
When the last stone from the last church falls on the last priest, Humanity will know peace.
#4865 -274 = 2424 - 2698 - +
Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing.
#1114 -275 = 2109 - 2384 - +
The best practice of abstinence is abstinence of it.
#2636 -266 = 2056 - 2322 - +
Pwn free and clear.
#2349 -260 = 3029 - 3289 - +
Beat the change that you wish to see in the world
#4607 -273 = 1932 - 2205 - +
#5621 -280 = 2020 - 2300 - +
To find fault is easy; to do better may be difficult.
#2980 -300 = 2134 - 2434 - +
#6293 -381 = 3421 - 3802 - +
Smile. It irritates everyone.
#5212 -365 = 2241 - 2606 - +
When you notice how absurd life is, smile - Your face will get stuck that way!
#5775 -307 = 2854 - 3161 - +
Worlds are hallucinogenics.
#6487 -312 = 1367 - 1679 - +
Stop thinking. Stop speaking. It is still possible.
#4809 -264 = 3161 - 3425 - +
But we'll never survive!
#872 -351 = 2547 - 2898 - +
There are trivial truths and there are great truths. The opposite of a trivial truth is plainly false. The opposite of a great truth is also true.
#2835 -301 = 2175 - 2476 - +
Life and death'
both are tough sentences
#5292 -256 = 2493 - 2749 - +
Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.
-John F. Kennedy
#2026 -300 = 2493 - 2793 - +
Collect to reject
#6485 -324 = 1253 - 1577 - +
We should all quit whinging.
#3109 -2070 = 4820 - 6890 - +
This town needs an enema.
#2939 -300 = 3055 - 3355 - +
Why does dad leave whenever Santa comes by?
Because he fucks your sister behind your back while you are washing your hands after wanking under the Chrismas tree on the golden age.
#6018 -362 = 2195 - 2557 - +
#6405 -666 = 2155 - 2821 - +
fear not the wrath of failure lest you not try.
#4383 -315 = 2354 - 2669 - +
#1033 -272 = 2048 - 2320 - +
You are now entering chapel perilous
#4582 -270 = 2218 - 2488 - +
watching clouds change shapes, i see my prison
#3068 -330 = 2254 - 2584 - +
Think while it's still illegal
#5695 -262 = 2118 - 2380 - +
#3313 -258 = 2106 - 2364 - +
I'm angry Orwell didn't kill the cat off for finding Napoleon's secrets, I mean, curiosity killed the cat for eris sake
#6505 -45 = 187 - 232 - +
[citation needed]
#574 -252 = 2167 - 2419 - +
Discordians do it with... oh my god! where did all these bugs come from?!?! They're coming out of my skin, holy shit! How can you think about sex at a time like this?
#5096 -321 = 2272 - 2593 - +
Save yourself FOR the salvation army?
#3486 -252 = 2910 - 3162 - +
Laziness is a Parent of wisdom
#5907 -261 = 2143 - 2404 - +
rechanneling destructive impulses is a sign of maturity
#2390 -308 = 2030 - 2338 - +
Use no hooks.
#3031 -303 = 2659 - 2962 - +
Heretics have the best barbecues!
#1411 -330 = 2328 - 2658 - +
This message is thoughtcrime.
#2924 -292 = 2349 - 2641 - +
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.
-John F. Kennedy
#2946 -263 = 3168 - 3431 - +
Nothing happens for a reason; when it does, pay attention.
#5109 -289 = 2484 - 2773 - +
I see people dying all the time. Sometimes they laugh, sometimes their eyes roll, but i prefer when they just whimper; then i can at least eat my sandwich in peace.
#5488 -239 = 2699 - 2938 - +
#833 -327 = 2573 - 2900 - +
I just stole ten seconds of your life.
#5660 -264 = 2715 - 2979 - +
My god is bigger.
#3691 -330 = 2190 - 2520 - +
Be young - shut up!
#804 -234 = 2954 - 3188 - +
It is immoral to be productive in a destructive system.
#5954 -264 = 2587 - 2851 - +
Sanity isn't the survival trait it used to be.
#2436 -381 = 1740 - 2121 - +
I'm a solipsist, I don't see why other people aren't that way...
#1600 -308 = 2354 - 2662 - +
hate love - love hate
#5045 -286 = 2116 - 2402 - +
Seen one fnord, seen em all.
#4975 -292 = 1827 - 2119 - +
Death without pain is like a sundae without sprinkles.
#989 -278 = 2493 - 2771 - +
The medium and placement of these would completely define the meaning.
#2715 -264 = 1885 - 2149 - +
Before saving the world, first do the dishes.
#5088 -323 = 1888 - 2211 - +
Don't trust me--I don't exist.
#1102 -328 = 1766 - 2094 - +
expressing anger is necessary
#1210 -258 = 2381 - 2639 - +
I am always right. Except when I'm left, or bluffing.
#1476 -321 = 1684 - 2005 - +
It can't rain all the time
#1790 -282 = 2359 - 2641 - +
'Paradox ridicules the sound of irony laughing at you'-
Quote: -
23rd St. Most Unholy Recomboblutated Night of the DissedOrder of the Pentagonal Footstall Sir J. Bacon. -Prof. of Doctorates.
#4357 -336 = 1835 - 2171 - +
sin is a means of social control
#2484 -259 = 2396 - 2655 - +
It is forbidden to forbid.
#1804 -262 = 2000 - 2262 - +
#3749 -349 = 2397 - 2746 - +
If being right is wrong, I don't want to be right.
#4129 -297 = 2492 - 2789 - +
freedom is a luxury not a necessity
#1287 -265 = 2062 - 2327 - +
Disregard this line of text and everything after/before; I think it's nonsense
#4104 -287 = 2347 - 2634 - +
"there are 63 genders and i am mayonase"
Th3 r3sp0n53?
"I am hillery clinton, and this message is important"
De4th t0 p0l1t1c5.
#5801 -311 = 2062 - 2373 - +
How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.
-Marcus Aurelius
#1460 -305 = 1780 - 2085 - +
One can repair ignorance. Stupidity is a point of view.
#4353 -253 = 2864 - 3117 - +
corporations are money obsessed sociopathic Voltrons that eat freedom and want you to be their tiger fists
#4134 -368 = 2393 - 2761 - +
Support free enterprise: shoplift.
#2579 -257 = 2265 - 2522 - +
stasis is a dream state
#2548 -258 = 2089 - 2347 - +

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