Semi Official Memebomb Archive

If we are truly all mad here, I cannot make you mad. I can only show you my virgin of madness.
#6514 -6 = 78 - 84 - +
beware the new movie of marley - halloween passed but she didn't
#6517 -7 = 36 - 43 - +
Stop running and walk,
stop walking and sit.
You will be something,
if that something is you.
#6518 -8 = 34 - 42 - +
fuck it we ball
#6516 -12 = 33 - 45 - +
It's far more than a good excuse, it's a valid reason!
#6501 -15 = 750 - 765 - +
eeeee, be mite
#6515 -16 = 43 - 59 - +
Even the Buddha was aware of his enlightenment, much to his chagrin.
#6504 -17 = 489 - 506 - +
In an oligarchy only the wealthy have political power. Who runs your country?
#6512 -19 = 170 - 189 - +
Madness can neither be created nor destroyed; it simply changes form.
#6513 -21 = 75 - 96 - +
The president was senile and the world didn't end.
#6511 -22 = 166 - 188 - +
All's fair in love and Hobo's
#6507 -30 = 364 - 394 - +
I'm angry Orwell didn't kill the cat off for finding Napoleon's secrets, I mean, curiosity killed the cat for eris sake
#6505 -45 = 458 - 503 - +
#6509 -45 = 313 - 358 - +
I believe in karma... that means I can do bad things to you all day long and assume you deserve it.
#6503 -47 = 673 - 720 - +
#6508 -54 = 315 - 369 - +
I think as I will, I feel as I will, I choose as I will, I act as I will, and I experience as I will. Such is doctrine unto the divine for the sake of all individual's sovereignty in this worldly kingdom.
#6502 -61 = 719 - 780 - +
Pretend you're not pretending
#6506 -70 = 387 - 457 - +
#6510 -71 = 294 - 365 - +
farts in jars though.
#6495 -128 = 1294 - 1422 - +
Remember, don't eat the people until after the plane has crashed
#6500 -135 = 971 - 1106 - +
Since we're not all there, we're all here
#6499 -137 = 1019 - 1156 - +
The god you believe is not only urine, but feces
#6497 -142 = 1177 - 1319 - +
I am an affront to God, the devil, and everything in between.
#6494 -143 = 1483 - 1626 - +
Labor intensive hugs (LIH) are a thing of the past with new orgorgon florgist!
#6496 -152 = 1139 - 1291 - +
Is there anybody in between there?
#6498 -170 = 1104 - 1274 - +
bleed for the international power
#6479 -173 = 1763 - 1936 - +
Thigh highs are the currency of a new generation
#6491 -176 = 1448 - 1624 - +
Levity Sucks!
#4486 -186 = 3216 - 3402 - +
Truth would quickly cease to become stranger than fiction, once we got as used to it.
-Henry Louis Mencken
#3006 -196 = 3313 - 3509 - +
Be young - shut up!
#804 -198 = 3360 - 3558 - +
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.
#4724 -198 = 3259 - 3457 - +
How many bears could Bear Grylls grill if Bear Grylls could grill bears?
#4377 -200 = 3397 - 3597 - +
Realities are actually REALI-bees
#6021 -204 = 3259 - 3463 - +
If Life gives you Chaos, you have won.
#4488 -207 = 3392 - 3599 - +
Bacon transforms men into incredibly sensitive and generous lovers and guarantees women the longest and most intense orgasms imaginable.
#787 -210 = 3625 - 3835 - +
You will find that the State is the kind of organization which, while it does big things badly, does small things badly too.
#3360 -210 = 3328 - 3538 - +
Stop reading me. I am not dressed.
#5855 -213 = 2818 - 3031 - +
#6261 -213 = 3942 - 4155 - +
ATTENTION: The outside will be closing in ten minutes.
#779 -214 = 3841 - 4055 - +
when something terrible happens people wake up
#3174 -215 = 3179 - 3394 - +
you are just an upgraded monkey
#5982 -215 = 3852 - 4067 - +
As we speak, the powers that be are attempting to retrieve Unit 04, assuming it actually was pulled into a hard case, and he needs to blow the whole truth to them.
#769 -216 = 2986 - 3202 - +
There is no such thing as "normal"...please try again.
#2850 -216 = 3372 - 3588 - +
If Two People are arguing and neither has an opinion, which one is right?
#5541 -216 = 2679 - 2895 - +
The charms of a woman are directly related to the speed of her passing.
#2646 -217 = 3151 - 3368 - +
YOU are unfit for self-rule.
#3807 -217 = 2972 - 3189 - +
The best things in life are imaginary
#4830 -217 = 2800 - 3017 - +
You might not count in the New World Order
#3338 -218 = 3136 - 3354 - +
I see people dying all the time. Sometimes they laugh, sometimes their eyes roll, but i prefer when they just whimper; then i can at least eat my sandwich in peace.
#5488 -219 = 3058 - 3277 - +
Our depression du jour is from a loss of confidence
#4862 -220 = 2847 - 3067 - +
All statements are true in some sense , false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense.
#5902 -220 = 2998 - 3218 - +
94% of hotel guests expect no surprises when entering their room.
#585 -221 = 3966 - 4187 - +
The classical Greeks were not influenced by the classical Greeks.
#2647 -221 = 2721 - 2942 - +
Try to outlive these words.
#3741 -221 = 2928 - 3149 - +
I get insulted by ads telling me I could dress better. The CIA never tells me that, and you know why? Because they can actually see me.
#4154 -221 = 3631 - 3852 - +
Today is a good day to sign up for the revolution!
#2988 -222 = 2679 - 2901 - +
I am a liar and honnest about it
#5629 -223 = 2571 - 2794 - +
Yesterday a postal worker asked me what type of handgun he should buy.
#3247 -224 = 4005 - 4229 - +
Follow ME - I'll be right behind you
#5240 -224 = 2771 - 2995 - +
#3454 -225 = 2773 - 2998 - +
It's better to light a candle than to curse the dark
#4672 -225 = 3853 - 4078 - +
Don't quote this
#5639 -225 = 2538 - 2763 - +
I can stand it if I don't get what I want or need
#5836 -225 = 2391 - 2616 - +
i would mention sadomasochistic bestial necrophilia, but that would be beating a dead horse...
#6188 -225 = 3885 - 4110 - +
the ripple is not the water.
#6281 -225 = 3942 - 4167 - +
Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth.
-Lillian Hellman
#971 -226 = 3310 - 3536 - +
Look behind you, they're looking behind you.
#1993 -226 = 3099 - 3325 - +
revolution means going around in circles.
#2419 -226 = 2642 - 2868 - +
It takes two to make a bastard.
#4341 -226 = 2930 - 3156 - +
The toof will set you fwee.
#4404 -226 = 3287 - 3513 - +
skull fuckers come off cock-eyed.
#6171 -226 = 3621 - 3847 - +
If I were you I'd dance naked in the middle of the street just to embarrass you.
#1643 -227 = 3170 - 3397 - +
"I antagonize almost everyone I meet. I think its a mirth defect." - Rock Cowles
#5569 -227 = 2199 - 2426 - +
Life is Beautiful. It is the world sucks.
#5685 -227 = 2688 - 2915 - +
raw backwards is war
#6084 -227 = 2995 - 3222 - +
You're not a failure kid. It's just that your ideas are silly and dumb.
#3451 -228 = 2584 - 2812 - +
problem solver or problem maker
#3500 -228 = 2800 - 3028 - +
Always be extremely moderate.
#700 -229 = 2804 - 3033 - +
mostly you should mind your own business
#2077 -229 = 3090 - 3319 - +
Step on a crack
#2549 -229 = 2744 - 2973 - +
Is there an officer, problem ?
#5221 -229 = 2362 - 2591 - +
The fact that someone said "no" doesn't mean I shouldn't have made the request in the first place
#5837 -229 = 2782 - 3011 - +
the map is not the territory!!
Living by the map is the worst thing I have ever done!!!
#5946 -229 = 2420 - 2649 - +
that which nourishes me, destroys me.
#6034 -229 = 2906 - 3135 - +
Don't worry over what other people are thinking about you. They're too busy worrying over what you are thinking about them.
#1104 -230 = 2516 - 2746 - +
Nothing changes more constantly than the past; for the past that influences our lives does not consist of what happened, but of what men believe happened.
-Gerald W. Johnston
#2173 -230 = 2692 - 2922 - +
resolutions serve to ease our conscience
#2414 -230 = 2758 - 2988 - +
You can't buy fun like this
#3293 -230 = 2531 - 2761 - +
You will find the correct answer in the murkiest mists of confusion.
#4109 -230 = 3378 - 3608 - +
Buddha made me do it.
#3985 -230 = 3488 - 3718 - +
You are not your self-image.
#4438 -230 = 3264 - 3494 - +
Prohibition makes the heart grow fonder.
#4918 -230 = 2842 - 3072 - +
Even the boldest zebra fears the hungry lion.
#1168 -231 = 2921 - 3152 - +
If at first you don't succeed, try following the instructions.
#1635 -231 = 3089 - 3320 - +
Collapse the state of mind
#4767 -231 = 2982 - 3213 - +
Head Your mind!
#4798 -231 = 3005 - 3236 - +
Science is true whether or not you believe it, but religion is true whether or not it’s true.
#5480 -231 = 2324 - 2555 - +
I just healed my ass with hot sauce.
#5503 -231 = 2322 - 2553 - +
One day we awake our forth eye in the necklace, and no one will ever have to cry again.
#6017 -231 = 2531 - 2762 - +
An ounce of dignity is no cure for stupid
#709 -232 = 3127 - 3359 - +

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